Chicago Dispatchers

Friday, December 01, 2006

Dispatch policy

We've heard more buzz about getting pulled through the ringer in the last two days than we can shake a stick at. But there are ways to prepare ourselves for the next time police department brass tries to blame us for the long dispatch times due in part to their manpower shortage.

We need to be truly dispatching according to their policy - CPD dictates how we dispatch to their patrol units. If they want no delay in dispatch of high-priority calls (per Deputy Superintendent CW), then focus on those. If they don't want lower-priority calls stacked behind 1A and 1B and 1C calls, then don't, unless the only unit you have up is 99 (can't send them alone on the majority of high-priority calls).

Make sure you keep those red jobs off the board as best as you can. You won't always be able to not "see red," but do what you have to do. If the blue and green (lower-priority) calls have to wait because you're getting killed with in-progresses? So be it.

We'd like to advocate getting anyone's request for service handled in a timely manner, but we know it just can't be done with the low numbers of field units in districts. And there's no better way to make the CPD (brass, not working stiffs)take a step back and stop avoiding the real reason why these calls can't get dispatched according to their policy, than to dispatch according to their policy and still have people complain about wait times, i.e., 3-5 hours for paper because every time we finally clear the board of red jobs (especially in the summer) and get ready to give out some blue and green ones, here come more red ones to put the rest on the backburner again.

Great idea, we think, at least in theory. We just hope our bosses see the logic here and don't breathe down our necks because we have a ton of jobs wayyyyyyyy over the time limit, even though they're low-priority.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

great post, been saying that for years now
Well another year of fuc*ed up furloughs. Mk in her wisdom is still messing with the full period and the slots.
At what point is mgt going to put MK on a train and ship her to the water dept., I hear they're looking for some good fuc*ups. Maybe they can get a hired truck to haul her to Streets and Sans. with all the chaos she will cause, it will divert attention from the hired truck scandal.

01 December, 2006 23:11  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just want to let you guys/gals in dispatch know that I appreciate they job that you do. Too often the department tries to make it adversarial between us. I also hear on the radio the jerks you have to put up with on the air. Again I apologize for them, but we also have our knuckleheads that make everyone laugh. Keep up the good work and let's try to keep each other safe out there.
An A/4 Detective

03 December, 2006 18:34  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sorry, I meant "the" not "they" in line 2

03 December, 2006 18:35  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A4 dick,
Thanks that was mighty nice of you:)
Merry Christmas !

03 December, 2006 20:45  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're all in this together. The city made it an us against them attitude but the us is every working stiff that the city screws everyday and them are the management types from out lousy mayor on down. Stay safe and have a Merry Christmas

A/4 Dick

03 December, 2006 23:08  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This new policy is going to start a WAR between Police and Dispatchers. I will work hard for you all day, volunteer for jobs, give my assist a disregard so you can give him another pending job, finish my paper later so I can handle another job, etc. I do this in exchange for one thing. When it's time for me to go home, I DO NOT WANT an job with an arrest 10 minutes before the hour. I pay a babysitter who has a life too and she doesn't like to stay 2 hours extra. Especially when there are other cars coming out of roll call, or working later than me. One of our guys got redlined after he was called several times ( also several times by the wrong name) in 40 quick seconds. Because of that there is a stirring in the district that any B/A, small disturbance, etc we request an assist car. No one likes a RAP, we will certainly create MANY. Can someone post the stats of the RAPS that occur in December in 016 on days since almost half of our manpower is on furlo. LOL.
We like our day dispatchers but the afternoon crew seems to want to screw us over every day. It's not right.

06 December, 2006 20:21  

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