Here we go again. Blogmaster has received confirmation of at least 8 suspensions handed down in the last week. By our count, at least 4 of them were for multiple days off for "rudeness" including one pcoI who was hit with 20+ days. Doesn't exactly inspire fondness for the company, for the management, or for the union who apparently are powerless to prevent said suspensions from being served BEFORE appealing the ruling. Kinda hard to have a nice christmas under such circumstances.
Blogmaster would laugh, if it were not so serious, at the concept of our new (relatively) Executive Director approving (or as rumor has it, INCREASING) puninshments for alleged transgressions he neither understands or has ever personnally witnessed/experienced. OEMC is not a business, its not a customer service operation, it is not one stop shopping, and it is not on demand service. Calltakers are REQUIRED--by OEMC's OWN POLICIES--to obtain information from callers and to "take control of conversations". At what point did doing that become verboten? Is doing one's job now cause for suspensions? Blogmaster would like the Executive Director to ask some of the field units if THEY objected to the calltaker asking too many questions if it resulted in finding out that a domestic involved a gun? Or that a witness reporting a hit and run got a description of the car and driver? or that any one of ten thousand other scenarios the calltakers deal with EVERY SINGLE DAY resulted in someone's life being saved or an officer who was prepared for what he/she walked into when answering a 911 call? When did that become a bad thing? Just asking
To those facing suspensions during this month, Blogmaster is thinking of you. And for everyone else, take heed because next time it could be you.
Seems to me that this situation is pay back by the executive director for his inability to fire two PC0IIs when he wanted to.
I dunno -- We all know there are plenty of goofs out there who call 911, and there are unfortunately too many goofs who answer the phone here, and when the two mix, that's where you run into trouble. But the problem is, the goof on the street doesn't know any better. Here in the OEMC, we have a job to do, and we are getting taped as we do it, so anyone who feels like they need to be rude may as well adjust their budget, because some tome off is in their future.
I mean, c'mon people, if you're in the right the tape will set you free, and if you're rude, the tape will hang you. It's really just that simple.
the reality is people will complain regardless of how you talk to them on the phone, all we ask is that the punishment fits the crime, as it usually never does. But I bet you're one of the goofs that does not answer very many calls and then complains how hard you had to work. So go sit down and shut up, continue to be the goof we all know you are, and keep the stupid comment to yourself.
To 03 December, 2007 09:30
Ok, smartass, as you say "the tape will set you free"! Then please explain how after the process of investigation results in "unfounded" by our ci dept & RS that holier than thou Ruiz can tell the calltaker...."well if the citizen said you were rude, you must have been rude"..."I am serving you a 1 day suspension" and end of discussion! We are covered by a union contract....Ruiz is totally ignoring that fact and throwing shit in our face. I told the call-taker in this specifc case..."I wouldn't waste my time with the union, I would be hiring a labor lawyer & sue the city & Ruiz !
From a po on the street, after hearing of this incident, responded...."holy shit, glad we don't work here, and we thought FOP was bad...you have it worse"!
Speaing of rudeness, whats up with the idiotic coppers in 025 that tie up the air with nonsense, stupid "east indian" impersonations and just dumb comments? How do they get away with it and why does the lt, and WC let them get away with it?
To 04 December, 2007 12:53
Ummmmmmm..maybe this was taught in their Stress Management class. LOL
Stress MANAGEMENT?? HMm how do you think the few south east asians feel when they hear those asshats on the air with their mock accents?
I am offended that you think my accent isn't real.
This has been on the air on zone 12 since the 90s, at least on 1st watch.
I wish to hell the CPD management would record eight hours of it along with radio number logs and give EVERY LAST one of the 5 or 10 idiots doing it a ten day suspension.
025 is what it is, and you can't expect more from the worst of the crew that is there. Sometimes I wish they would empty out the whole district and start over, but I know there are some good POs there too.
How do you think 015 feels when 025 is on air with their stupidity?? The shit can hit the fan at any time in 015 and these morons are tying up the air with dumb shit. We in 015 pray that one day their supervisors will end it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We feel for you dispatchers.
Time for the dispatcher to tell them to knock it off. It is offensive and the dispatcher is
the controller of the zone radio.
Fcc comes down on it, the dispatcher will be to blame for allowing it to continue.
...Doesn't exactly inspire fondness for the company, for the management, or for the union who apparently are powerless to prevent said suspensions from being served BEFORE appealing the ruling...
That's standard for ANY union grievance. You MUST suffer some harm before grieving it.
WHO THE HELL IS RUIZ? HAS ANYONE EVER SEEN HIM, SPOKEN TO HIM, SEEN HIM IN THE ELEVATOR???!!! IS HE THE "GREAT AND POWERFUL OZ"? I was NOT fond of R.H. or A. V., but at LEAST they showed their faces on the floor!!!!
Ruiz has been on the floor. You just haven't noticed him. The next time the mayor comes to the building just look for the little short munchkin standing next to the little giant.
I've seen him in the building before, but I didn't speak because I figured he thought he was too good, so I'd act the same way. Besides, I didn't feel like hearing a bunch of "ums" and "uhs," which was half his speech on the news after Durkin Park.
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