Chicago Dispatchers

Monday, September 11, 2006

Why not start back with an e-mail and a resulting poll?

Four posts for the price of one; who says the best things in life aren't free?

We came, we read, we responded. But in the background, as to give someone else the floor. From the Anonymous e-mailer:

Hey there...I have a question which might be a good topic of
discussion. What do our calltaker and dispatcher coworkers think of dating
po's? Do some people just think it's a major taboo and think less of
you for doing so? Do they have the mindset that you shouldn't "shit
where you eat" etc? Or is it no biggie... just an easy opportunity to
meet people, much like a lot of America does w/on-line dating services and

Have at it. Answer away. Banter amongst yourselves.


Blogger Local 2 Member said...

It's fine line you must follow. Are you just innocently flirting or can it be interpeted as sexual harrasment? You ask someone if they're married , dating etc.? Sexual harrasment? This is the world we live in now and it's very tough to decipher these "dating at work rules".

11 September, 2006 08:37  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We live in a free country........freedom to date whomever you want! Those who do the horizontal dance every chance they get have no one to blame but themselves when they start being referred to as a "zone ho". Well known fact , the police department has one of the biggest & fastest gossip chains around!

11 September, 2006 15:44  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've dated 2 po's ever in the _ years I've worked at 911, from opposite ends of the city. The one I was really serious about just ended up being like every other macho copper I know. (if the stereotype fits...) What really freaked me out was how he got info on me from someone at 911. So it's not just the po's you have to worry about with the gossip, but your co-workers. I'm amazed how much people talk at work.

He knew stuff I told a trusted friend, who to this day would probably lie about telling my secret. Just goes to show you: you can work with someone and get along with them, but they're not really your friend. You tell that friend you're dating a po and suddenly the whole room knows.

Is it really that big of a deal to date a po? We work with them, joke around with them on the pdt, probably even go out drinking with ones from your regular zone, why not date? Mr serious and I broke up, but that does impede my ability to dispatch when I'm on that zone.

11 September, 2006 18:37  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing inherently wrong with it from the workplace angle.

The problem is who we (you) are and who they are.

Family members are POs, and the one common belief they have is that they would not encourage another family member to date a PO except VERY selectively. Its that alchohol and fairly-rampant cheating thing that sort of digs in.

Strangely, I sort of would say the same generically about the 9-1-1 folks. You want to end up marrying someone who is gonna die at 50? Someone who is stressed out 24/7?

Screw that. Instead of dating someone who keeps you in this life, try looking for someone, ANYONE who you can leave with.

11 September, 2006 18:57  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would never date a cop. No way.

11 September, 2006 23:50  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll date any man who can hold down a job. That's what it is. A career. The advantage of dating a copper or any other city worker, (for the most part) you are not dating a criminal or druggie. That eliminates half the research.

12 September, 2006 05:08  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:08, thats great. What a great world you must live in where your choices are somehow limited to cops, city workers, criminals and druggies.

Is there, like, an electronic fence that keeps you in Mt. Greenwood?

12 September, 2006 10:22  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a P.O., I can understand why you wouldn't want to date many of my brethren. Our profession necessarily breeds a culture of control and living on the edge of your skin (unless you are in a retirement district or an inside job). We come home from work in a hypervigilant state, and if we don't know how to understand and control it, we do things that are destructive to our relationships and health.
That being said, never forget that there are good and bad in every profession. There are many police out there that are very good partners. As in the rest of the dating world, sifting through the rocks to find the gem is half the battle.
It is natural to date people who share a similar profession. It can give you someone at home who can understand what you have gone through during the day and can talk to about those events. It can give a mutual support system so you don't start to engage in self-destructive and relationship-ending behavior. Not to mention that between the two of you, there are some great stories!

13 September, 2006 10:01  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of dating a PO. Has anyone been given a business card by any of the male PO's doing security? What's that about? There is one in paticular and his line and long winded rocking, swaying body not meaning hot either is insane. This guy never stands still, I mean never! He hangs around the frt. dsk alot. No thank you on fine dine engagement, and movie for me, scarey in a bad way but acts smooth is weak style. I don't think he has all cylinders churning. Anyone else been thrown a line and what was it? Were amazed, can't help it I'm cracking up. No PO's for me.

15 September, 2006 01:07  

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