Chicago Dispatchers

Monday, December 03, 2007


Furlough picks 2008 commence tomorrow morning at 0500. It is safe to say that some people will be disappointed with what they ultimately end up with, either by default, because their slips were filled out incorrectly, and/or because they failed to show up. Unlike watch selections, furlough picks are conducted in the open and are live from the roll call room. Being present assures one of at least having some say in what one ultimately ends up with. And there is the salient point in all this: SHOW UP OR SHUT UP. While Blogmaster has some sympathy (very little) for those newer pcos who are almost assured of winter furloughs due to their low seniority, there is simply no excuse for not showing up and then complaining about it. But past experience has taught Blogmaster that there are always a few out there that don't show up and then never shut up.

While on seniority, Blogmaster has watched the latest fiasco unfolding at the OEMC with sadness. All the hoopla about implementing a "rotating voluntary overtime" list seems to have divided the operations floor and not in a good way. Apparently, this is a contractual provision, and allows all voluntary overtime to be rotated among ALL members. Presently, OEMC practices affords overtime strictly (by watch first) by seniority and this is a direct contradiction to the contract. Blogmaster would like to remind ALL pcos--before they turn completely against one another--to look first to management and notice how skillfully they played this one out and what they have/had to gain from it. For the cynical among us know that management ALWAYS has an agenda when it changes track. Again, its a divide and conquer tactic which they employed brilliantly because ultimately, we cannot stick together for anything.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just another case of us not sticking together. A newer dispatcher filed a grievance because Managment was not following the contract when hiring voluntary overtime.

03 December, 2007 14:40  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a reminder to those who have been around since the use of the voluntary overtime sign up sheet, and to educate the 'newbies' of OEMC: this system was initiated to eliminate the overwhelming task of having to call up every PCO1 and PCO2 and ask if they wanted to work ot. The majority never want to work ot. And how many want to work ot on a watch other than their own? This sign up sheet was the most feasible, efficient, and quickest way to fill in the holes in the manpower. So now that this current working system may be totally abolished, I hope all of you crybabies that started this mess enjoy getting phone calls at all hours of day & night that disrupt your sleep , as you will now get called by all 3 watches to see if you will want to work.

Here's another thing you idiots can push for too: in person medical checks for all you medical abusers that don't show up for work because you're hung-over or have another party to go to that causes the manpower shortages! I would surely vote yes to this idea!

03 December, 2007 21:46  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen, 21:46!

There is plenty of overtime to go around at the OEMC. Every watch hires their own people first, which I believe is totally fair, so try signing up for your own watch on your RDO and look how fast you'll get called for OT. Or if you are so desperate for money because your salary as a PCO1 or PCO2 is not sufficient enough to pay your bills (and face it, PCO is a VERY GOOD paying job, especially considering the intelligence level of some of our co-workers) then go get a part time job somewhere! But if you do get a part time job, just make sure to declare it to the "city". F*cking ethics!!

03 December, 2007 23:06  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it was not a newbie that decided to complain abou this over time issue.......i know most of you old timers would like to point the finger at the people that just got here and blame them for all their problems, but MD admitted to being one of the people to blame for this whole issue being brought stop blaming the new people cuz from what i have heard on the floor most of the new people agreed with the original way the ot was done.

04 December, 2007 12:52  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

several MD's here...are you referring to a white shirt, pcoI or pcoII???

05 December, 2007 05:36  

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