Chicago Dispatchers

Friday, December 07, 2007

Radio Zones

It's that time of year again. The 1st period brings with it new shift assignments and personnel changes. As a result, Watch Managers attempt to fill the holes in zone assignments created by personnel movement to other watches. This effort has always struck Blogmaster as slightly riduculous, considering that the "official" position of the OEMC management team is that radio zone assignments are not permanent, are subject to change, and are day by day.

PcoIIs, and all the field officers who pay attention, know that day in and day out the same dispatchers sit at the same zones with only slight variations to accommodate rdos, furloughs, and comp days. This is true on all 3 watches and even the power watches are remarkably consistent in their assigment of personnel to particular zones for reliefs. This is a direct effect of managements enforcement of its "non policy policy" of keeping "regulars" on particular zones. The creation and maintenance of zone assignment sheets in the watch manager's office ensure consistentcy of dispatchers on each zone on a daily basis.

The inevitable outcome of this practice are distinct classes of dispatchers: a)those who dispatch and b) those who dispatch only at a certain zone or citywide. Blogmaster has been hearing more and more discontent among some of the front line supervisors when confronted by certain pcoIIs who object to a particular assigment, including calltaking (which by the way, Blogmaster will point out emphatically, is most certainly part of the pcoII job definition).

Blogmaster has no sympathy for managment in this regard. This is a monster of their own making and they have inspired these types of petty squabbles over zones and citywides for many years now. So when a pcoII complains about, refuses to work, or goes home sick rather than work a particular zone, citywide, or calltake management must take some responsibility for that because its own practices and policies contributed heartily to the problem.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I usually agree with Blogmaster 110%. Not on this one, though.

I don't believe the current "excessive entitlement" disease that affects several of our esteemed co-workers has as much to do with current management turning a blind eye to favoritism as it does with said employees just having the attitude that they are not going to do what they don't want to do, and heaven help the superior that tries to reprimand them!

Disciplining wayward employees is usually more trouble than it is worth for our supervisors.

I'm not a dispatcher, and one reason I never WANTED to become a dispatcher is because I did not want to be subject to working 8 hours a day with a "partner" who did not hold up their end of a radio zone. At least as a call taker, I only have myself to worry about on my console. I don't have to "carry" some schmuck who wants to sit and read a paper all day or take 25 "smoke" breaks in a tour (and who doesn't even smoke).

Over on SCC's blog, they have a term for over-entitled, over-promoted generally useless hacks who tend to get the cushy job assignments: they are called "clout-babies". We have several of those at the OEMC. They know who they are. And God bless anyone who tries to make them do any "real" work!

08 December, 2007 00:13  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

unfortunately this is a mess the watch mangers have brought on themselves by not rotating dispatchers to all zones and citywides. I believe that on 3rd watch the best dispatchers are regularly assigned to the busist zones because they can handle the faster pace and stress of these zones.

08 December, 2007 10:51  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunatly, Zone 7 on afternoons is stuck with V.Mc. who is one of the worst I have dealt with in years (I have been around since the old building). I know the Zone only has one District, but she can't even handle that.

08 December, 2007 12:35  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zone 10 3rd watch is stuck with ML, I feel sorry for those guys/gals.

08 December, 2007 17:53  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Stuck" with ML? I thought she was a pretty capable dispatcher. At least she isn't one that 95% of our co-workers BEG not to be partnered with. We could start a list there!

09 December, 2007 13:39  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ml is a great dispatcher and can easily handle whatever zone 10 or any other zone throws at her.....maybe she doesn't flirt with the cars or make small talk with them, but she does the job and i would be happy to see her sitting next to me on a zone anyday......some people do complain i have even seen someone almost in tears because they don't want to be on a certain zone and i hope that supv w/m not put them there if they are that unhappy, cuz they will probably be no help....but sometimes they don't have a choice with all the sick days that have been abused

09 December, 2007 22:43  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoever gets zone 12 on afternoon would you please tell people to cut down on stupid radio chatter and offensive indian imperonations? It seems like the guys from 25 arent busy enough, perhaps if they would like they can come to 15 and help us out on or backlogs.

10 December, 2007 10:37  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

015 in a backlog just amazes me. You get units from how many districts now? I've seen: 013, 014, 015, 016, 017, 025, and I think 020. With how small that place is you'd think everyone would be tripping all over each other and helping clear the board instead of avoiding the jobs at those addresses. The higher ups in 015 must be the biggest meritorious sups ever.

10 December, 2007 23:13  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


04 January, 2008 22:38  

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