Chicago Dispatchers

Wednesday, January 09, 2008


A new year is here. Blogmaster is hopeful that with the new year a new attitude may emerge among many of the pcos. Too often, as Blogmaster has noted many times in the past, it is always about "me, me, me". Now this is a useful concept in many instances--and often a necessary one. However, the sense of entitlement and the do not care about anyone but oneself attitudes among certain pcos truly saddens Blogmaster.

Dictionary definition of solidarity: "a unity of interests, purposes, or sympathies within a group". Solidarity means that everyone comes together, often subordinating ones self interst, to advance the interests of the whole group in order to acheive the most benefits for everyone in that group. Solidarity is present in groups with high morale, good leadership, and those that struggle for a common cause. Given the nature of oemc police operations, with its less than 400 pcos, solidarity seems a given. However, it seems to Blogmaster that we have never been more divided.

Part of the problem, Blogmaster thinks, is the lack of real leadership at all levels of the OEMC. No real union leadership, no supervisory leadership, no leadership from the executive director, and certainly not from the mayor/city hall. If anything, there is a big target on the ops floor the minute anything is amiss. No CPD, slow CPD service or inadequate police responses are all initially blamed on OEMC whether or not such claims are justified. Of course moving up the chain of command means bigger paychecks and less job security, so Blogmaster believes the natural tendency for those people higher up is to protect their turf by placing blame elsewhere. At OEMC this has become an artform. As a result, pcos have lost all sense that anyone is looking out for them or protecting their actions during the course of their duties. And that is why there is no solidarity, no struggle for a common cause, and an inclination to protect oneself at all costs.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

please! how can we be expected to have solidarity when our own union rep thinks its all about "her, her, her"? what a joke.

10 January, 2008 11:38  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes - we had a union rep have a melt down yesterday because she was assigned to a zone she thought was beneath her to work!! She pitched a bitch and was reassigned to CW5 - (way to stand your ground supervisors) then proceeded to gab all day about how she is being mistreated at work. All this and out of uniform also - funny , no one says a word to her and gives her anything she wants.

11 January, 2008 09:00  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does being a union rep mean 'automatic immunity' from disciplinary action? What she did in roll call surely was an act of 'refusing to follow a direct order from one's supervisor' aka 'insubordination'....yes or no? Who will write up and handle her grievance .....if she gets one?
Ahhhhhhhhhh.......the story shall be continued ! ! !

11 January, 2008 18:38  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wtf? It's a bunch of bulls&Ht that new kids can sit on cw5/6 and do nothing all day, when dispatchers with a decade or more on the job are still humping zones! Can't blame her or anyone else about complaining, when the favoritism is blatantly thrown in your face.
Glad pc02 spoke up, same with the pc02 on days after being bumped from regular zone after 10 yrs. Stop talking about each other and more about how management thinks they can get away with murder. Remember you're next, and if you've already been thrown in the pan and didn't say anything about it, then shame on you.

12 January, 2008 00:00  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for the whining comment md.
Maybe they put you over on zone 8 BECAUSE you had experience - ever think of that. But then you'd have to actually work and use that experience for just catching a lunch ticket every once in a while. Stop being a jerk, telling everyone else to do their job and just do yours. You'll get more respect that way. You probably won't get a CI# because the supervisors allow you to act this way.

12 January, 2008 10:06  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 12jan08 00:00.....Please don't get me started. Show me where....anywhere ...IN WRITING.....that states your seniority number plays a part in your assignment? Those of us from the 'old school' of training know the phrase "You're trained to be a dispatcher for all zones!" Hey , I wish seniority played into the spin of things.....I could bump a lot of co-workers (but 1st I would be sure to bring in a truckload of kleenex to wipe away all the tears)!
Waa-waa-waa-waa-waa ...all the way home!

12 January, 2008 16:04  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well for starters thank you to all you wonderful people who have decided to mind my business for me. Now to set the record straight I did not have a melt down. I simply stated that I was not working zone 8 and that I would take a number. For all of you who don't know or don't remember I was a regular on zone 12 on the 3rd watch for over 8 years. I worked my ass off every day - 6 days a week sometimes 99 because others couldn't or wouldn't handle the zone. So you are damn right I refuse to work my ass off now that I have a little seniority on the watch. Why should I have to bust my ass while new people coming straight in the door are allowed to work on a city wide because they can't do the job. When I started it was sink or swim and there is no reason it shouldn't be now. One thing you can all say about me that is for damn sure true is that I speak my mind. You may or may not agree with me but I am a woman of my word and I stand by it. I'm not a punk, never have been and never will be. You don't have to like me or my actions but I'm not going to stop being me. If you are treated a certain way it's because YOU allow it. Don't be mad at me because I stick up for myself. As far as disciplinary action i'm not going to live my life being scared because big brother is going to give me a number, I wasn't hungry when I started this job and i'm not going to be hungry if I lose it. Having said all that, if you aren't man or woman enough to sign your name then don't comment on what you don't know .....
Pco2/Union Steward Michelle Driver

12 January, 2008 20:27  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PCO2 MD, stop bitching and complaining about being assigned to a busy zone, notice i did not say working cause you spend most of your day away from the zone walking and gossiping to your little group of silly ass bitches and hoes who act like a bunch of 16 year olds than grown adult woman. Not all of us want to hear about your next trip, your family problems or which cop your fucking this week. and by the way get a new hair stylist, your weave sucks

13 January, 2008 09:25  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I notice that whoever made those rude comments wasn't man or woman enough to sign their name. So you and your opinion of me mean absolutely nothing to me...COWARD

13 January, 2008 11:02  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why dont you stop being a COWARD and just work the zone you are assigned too , without all the bitching and moaning, and by the way didnt you use to play linebacker for the Bears?

13 January, 2008 11:15  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MD has lost all creditabilty as a union rep,just cause you have some years under your belt dosent make you special, you are a joke and the union needs to dump you

13 January, 2008 11:18  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow quick with the insults but hiding your identity. I think we all know who the real COWARD is ...... You can continue on slinging insults and hiding, I have nothing further to say.

13 January, 2008 11:26  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DING!! quick someone grab the popcorn! this is going to be a good fight!

13 January, 2008 13:57  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have got to be kidding me!!!!
Whom ever Mr/Mrs Anonymous is you ought to be ashamed of yourself. When did we start mud sligging with each other. If you have a problem with a fellow co-worker, you never ever get off your square. You should approach that person and discuss it. What you are doing on this blog is childish and unlady like (yes I know who u are)..And yes, I bet you're at work now!!!You shouldn't brag to your friends about cussing MD out on the blog!!To me its just a dumb move to start talking about her personally instead of just her work ethic..What does her weave have to do with her not being on zone 8? Get real and grow the fuck up!!!

13 January, 2008 15:46  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You've got to be kidding, when did the mud sligging start, the same day you all started gossiping to one another about things and people you know nothing about. MD you want to know who I am, well i could tell you but then its more fun trying to let you figure it out. I will say im one of your BFF's. Let the games begin..

13 January, 2008 22:31  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is a BFF ?
Someone please clue me in. I'm so out of touch.

13 January, 2008 23:32  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who cares if she didn't want to be on zone 8, she complained and they let her off.........if you don't like the senario then you should be complaining about the people who allow it (supv) not the people who ask for the special treatment. i mean if they let you do things a certain way then why would you always ask for them things to be done. when supv decide to grow a back bone and start denying people to throw a fit and have their way then thats when you will see dispatchers doing as they are told and going where they are assigned. end of story ! besides who wants to work with someone who doesn't want to be there that bad anyway !

14 January, 2008 08:56  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone needs to grow up! Everone needs to shut up! Everyone needs to stop starting trouble!
Because I am 1 of MD's BFF's and you dont want me to find out who you are, because im sure i'll have a lot to say about you! really ont want me to find out. promise!

Oh, I'm sure you talk to me everyday too. Games are fun.

14 January, 2008 09:25  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CORRECTION...You really don't want me to find out! Have a great day.

14 January, 2008 09:26  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow...I'm having nightmares about being stuck back in high school. What's up with that I wonder.

14 January, 2008 09:41  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And people wonder why morale is low....Can't we all just get along?
If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!!!

High School wasn't this bad

14 January, 2008 09:54  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


14 January, 2008 11:16  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear readers,
this is the ridiculous bullshit we put up with every single day at our hell-hole of a workplace. now if u will excuse me, i have a 5 pc fried chicken dinner waiting for me at my console.

14 January, 2008 11:16  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


14 January, 2008 12:00  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.........excuse me now, I have to PUKE!

15 January, 2008 02:59  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if we didn't say anything but nice things then this blog wouldn't exist ! its become a place to vent anonymously about our jobs and co workers.

15 January, 2008 08:29  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need to vent....stress relief...and they took away our "de-stress chamber" all know , that wonderful small office at end of the hall , window faces north , used to have loveseat, chair, table & lamp, private bathroom... set up so one could unwind after handling stressful call on phone or situation on radio! HAHAHAHAH.........yeah right! When it was for that, it was usually locked and nobody could ever find the key! Now it's an office for ....ummmmm, lets see, last I knew , MD's in it.

15 January, 2008 11:39  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

speaking of puke - the reason we don't have the "quiet room" any more is because it was initally taken over by RS for his romantic trysts.

15 January, 2008 19:46  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 19:46... yes I have heard the stories about his romping stomping escapades...and because it is a very disgusting vision , that's why I did not mention it in my post. Thanks for making me want to vomit! ! ! LOL

PS ...everytime I see him in his 20gal cowboy hat , I can't help but think he looks like a PI-P!

16 January, 2008 17:54  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about a year for greater unity between the OEMC and CPD? You guys have a tough, almost impossible job and many of us recognize that even when we're gripping.Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat should be your motto because they definitely expect you to perform magic. To the Angel on zone 8 on days, you're the best and we appreciate and love you for keeping us safe...You know who you are..

17 January, 2008 00:51  

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