Chicago Dispatchers

Saturday, December 29, 2007

New Years Eve Weekend

It is that time again. One of the busiest nights of the year and everyone, it seems is unhappy, pissed off, and generally disgruntled. Let us recount some of the reasons:
-wholesale of denial of comp time, even on those days preceding immediately following the actual holidays themselves
-cancellation of rdos for new years eve for certain members of the 1st watch and the pmp power shifts
-increased amounts of mandatory overtime, especially affecting the 2nd watch
-word that new class of dispatchers, expected to start in january, has been moved back the new date for hires is "sometime first part of the year" (per DD Simmons)

Now these issues are by no means new to the operations floor. However, for the latter half of December--not traditionally a busy time for oemc--these facts point to an alarming trend: have we finally reached a burnout point? a point of maximum capacity among pcos? an inability to just keep on working, working, working overtime mandatory or voluntary? Blogmaster hopes that the suits are feverishly working (cough, cough) to address these issues and come up with some real and creative solutions. But Blogmaster is not optimistic.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone have KB's personal email address? I would gladly send her this post to be sure she READS IT!

Great post, again! My hats off to you o' great blogmaster!!!

And Happy New Year to all!

29 December, 2007 15:42  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Something was posted in the CO Book about there being a "cutoff time" to sign up for overtime on new yr's eve......... WHAT'S THAT about??? Why is there a cutoff??? You know they're going to still be asking for volunteers to work OT up until the last possible moment.

29 December, 2007 23:26  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought that was odd too. Somebody must have taken a new pysche class at Malcomn X that says make it look like a golden opportunity and they will come.
Yea right. Quick everyone sign up for ot on New Years eve before its all gone!
Once again treated like we fell off the turnip truck.

30 December, 2007 11:01  

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