Chicago Dispatchers

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Happy New Year

It is officially a new year. 2008 is here and with it are Blogmaster's wishes for the OEMC this year. In no particular order, here is our wish list:

-a new contract with enforcement provisions so that when the city is caught flagrantly disregarding the contract (often), there are REAL consequences and accountability.
-accountability from suits for standing by their decisions and acknowledgement if and when those decisions prove to be wrong or lead to poor or unforseen unintended consequences. In other words, stop letting all the dung roll downhill all the time
-new and improved equipment and consoles, including chairs that are not all broken, armrests that move, working lights, and readable maps. Psaps that can forward calls up front to the office (many of them cannot).
--increased staffing levels so that comp time does not have to be denied 90% of the time and mandataory overtime reaches zero. And please let those new hires be competent and of high quality.
-more visibility from the executive director to the operations floor personnel. Come down to the floor occasionally, to the roll calls, or into the breakrooms. Show us that attention is paid to the day to day stuff. Let us see interactions with our co workers, supervisors, and ourselves. Let us form a personal opinions NOT based on a press conference.
-promotions, details, and personnel moves that are fair and equitable, not based on clout, phone calls, or who owes who what.

It is not an exhaustive list, by any means. But it is a start.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAY! Happy New year to everyone, & health, wealth & joy. I FINALLY saw our boss Mr. Ruiz (is that his name???) on TV, stuttering & sputtering about how he's handling New Years @ the OEMC. He looks like a bug! Just what we need-ANOTHER stuttering idiot running things! (Hear me, Daley??)

04 January, 2008 01:32  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like to see the exorbitant amount of messages stop on the ops floor. Jeese, bring your own asprin, your own cell phone charger (whatever happened to no cell phones on the floor anyway?? some people have their ear pieces in their ears for the whole 8 hours - how do they wear the headset?)bring your own paper, stop at a bank or store and make sure you have change for the vending machines. Easy fixes that we all can do. The messages are getting as annoying as the callbacks. We are too busy on the zones for this crap. Take care of yourself, come to work prepared and leave the rest of us out of it.

06 January, 2008 09:39  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh yeah - Happy New Year

06 January, 2008 09:40  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

06Jan08 -0939
Dont sweat the small stuff.
Happy New Year everyone!

06 January, 2008 12:56  

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