Grinch Award
And the winner is...........Watch Manager Kathlyn Brown!
Blogmaster regretfully award this year's Grinch Award to WM Brown for her extreme insensitivity and bad judgement for the weekend leading up to and including Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. After wholesaling denials of comp time for almost everyone that entire weekend preceding christmas--and purportedly every single person on christmas eve (see previous post addressing this issue)--WM Brown takes christmas day off for herself. That is right. WM Brown was carried day off holiday for christmas day. Never mind that she mandated 16--SIXTEEN--pcos from 2nd watch on christmas eve to stay into the 3rd watch, never mind that she her failure to adequately control her resources for christmas eve resulted in a "misunderstanding" that allowed a pcoII to believe that christmas eve off was granted when in fact it wasnt leading to a lot of hard feelings, and never mind that for those folks who COULDNT stay are going to be written up by her own hand. Never mind all that because WM Brown had christmas day off to be with her own family and did not have to deal with all of the blowback of her decisions the previous weekend.
Memo to the suits who are reading this, especially WM Brown: just because one CAN do something does not mean one SHOULD do something. It is very poor taste and judgement for a boss to expect his/her employees to sacrifice and forgo their plans while turning around and enjoying the benefits that were just denied to them by one's own decision. Comprende? Remember the first tenet of good management and good leadership--never ask someone to do something that one would be unwilling to do oneself. That means, WM Brown, that when YOU deny comp time wholesale, when YOU mandate 16 people to stay on christmas eve, and when you attempt to punish people for not being there YOU might want to show up yourself and show solidarity with the folks who are sacrificing to make YOU look good. To make the stats on YOUR watch okay. So you dont get called on the carpet with YOUR boss. The ones who miss their kids, presents and dinner so YOU can make your big bucks. And one last admonishment to you, WM Brown: if you are going to absent, just say so. Please. Look us in the eye and tell us you are being carried day off holiday. It is the least you can do.
Finally, to all the other suits who are sorry they missed the Grinch Award, take heart. There are still a few days left in the year.
Anyone have KB's personal email address? I would gladly send this post to her to make sure she READS IT!
Great post, again! My hats off to you o' great blogmaster!
And Happy New Year to all!
KB is not the grinch you are making her out to be. She may not be a perfect wm and still learning the ropes and the best way to do things. But she is good hearted. She tries her best. She is for employee morale. Let's give her a chance. People do their best with encouragement and support. Let's give what we would like to receive.
Did anybody else notice that when she came into 3rd watch roll call, she said something like "I hope you all had a wonderful christmas and .... blah blah blah "
was she SERIOUS????
no, i didnt have a wonderful christmas. i missed it. thank you very much!
Shut up anonymous from 23:18
still learning the ropes? give me a break. She's been a supervisor and acting w/m many times. Furthermore, she does not try her best. She's on a power trip which only brings more attention to her poor management skills. And Seriously, what is with this "closed door day" Oh, I have so much work to do. The other 3rd watch manager has just much work if not more and he NEVER shuts the door.
Is 3rd watch having a "good bye, good riddance" party for KB? I just can't wait to see the changes she make to 2nd watch ....and see all the prima donnas start "waa waa waa waa". I am already laughing just at the thought!
It should be pretty entertaining on the 2nd watch to say the least.
I want to see who wins when EH and KB clash.
EH an KB?? Small potatoes.
How about RH and KB? That should be interesting!
make up your mind blogmaster one post you say it's all due to manpower and not the wm's actions and in another post you go against the wm and call her a grinch, stick to one story! and if you think you can do a better job apply for that position! and just for the record , us 2nd watchers can't imagine it getting any worse than b.d, at least kb has a spine! we shall soon see!
yeah we shall soon see...but if KB is having a bad baby day then we are all screwed!!!!!!!!!!!
you will be itching for BD to come back after 2 days with her. she's useless. happy new year 2nd watch! ha ha ha
I've been saying she's a BIOTCH for years & years!!!!
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