Chicago Dispatchers

Monday, February 18, 2008

Fear Factor

It is February. Call volume is down as it generally is at this time of the year and theoretically it’s the time of the year for operations floor employees to slow down, take a breather from the holidays and regroup before it gets busy again as the weather warms up. The lull before the storm, as the saying goes. Except that there is no lull this year and there hasn’t been for the past several years. The lighter workload hasn’t translated into more downtime, more relaxed employees, or better morale. Instead it has brought new elements to oemc: fear and to a lesser extent, instability.

At the very lowest levels (pcos)this fear permeates the oemc and results from the lack of leadership on the 4th floor and in the corner offices. This is because the suits have resorted to dealing with any issues on the operations floor by overreacting (attempts to curtail furloughs extensions, canceling rdos around certain events/holidays etc.)and by imposing heavy handed discipline in response to any citizen complaints--without regard to the contract, due process, facts, circumstances, or a pcos work history. This is the result of being governed by political hacks without, in most cases, even the most fundamental knowledge or the understanding of communications and the day to day operations within oemc.

The fear manifests itself in a myriad of ways. Fear that one can or will lose his or her job for not sending the police on every call, even when something is not a police matter. Fear that questioning a caller too much will result in a complaint from a juiced up citizen and lead to discipline. Fear that calling in sick one day too often will result in a few days suspension. Fear that ones time due will be denied, or that a rule that was interpreted one way last week will suddenly be another way this week. In short, pcos are often afraid. In certain circumstances, fear may be a good way to operate in the short term--fear can sometimes impose a grudging respect upon the fearful, but in the long term it wears down morale, sends inconsistent messages as to whether the city follows its OWN policies and procedures, stifles creativity/flexibility/innovation, and fosters negative attitudes toward all aspects of the job. In terms of the job, the end result is that pcos have lost all discretion as to what types of calls should be processed and what calls should be redirected or dismissed as non police/cfd matters. That means, dear reader, that even prank calls, calls that are likely bogus, and children playing are processed by calltakers and dispatched by the pcoIIs. In terms of the working environment, this fear leads to lowered morale, increased divisions within the ranks, and unfavorable perceptions of management--perceptions which may never be overcome.

The instability within the oemce results from the transient nature of the suits, the petty little turf wars, and the meddling into day to day operations by outsiders. Suits who expect to use oemc as a launchpad to bigger and better (maybe) gigs; suits who use the pcos and operations floor as their pawns for political payback of their rivals (it happens); and interference from city hall or the 4th floor into things like day off group assignments, details, or watch selections. Perhaps its a sign of how dated Blogmaster really is but there was a day--in the not too distant past--where these things were not issues and when operations were comprised of a tight knit professional civilian group who knew their jobs very well. And their bosses knew they knew it too. And those bosses appreciated it. No longer. Welcome to the 21st century.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Perhaps its a sign of how dated Blogmaster really is but there was a day--in the not too distant past--where these things were not issues and when operations were comprised of a tight knit professional civilian group who knew their jobs very well". ___________________________________
Where the heck have you been the last 15 years. The CECC-OEC-OEMC has run in spite of all the politcal hacks who think they are smarter than a slice of french toast. They have never given a rats ass about your stress level or familys well being. It's always been about the lights [in reference to the call board lighting up before the touch screen]. The room used to be staffed by bosses that seemed to really care about their jobs [by providing competant emergency service to the citizens of chicago because you never knew if the next phone call would be someone you knew]. Now people call their neighbor police officer or fireman to aid there call for help because they know that if you dial 911, it's a crap shoot if you are going to get any service. Not because the lights aren't being answered, but because there is NO unit available to send. We all tell our family and friends, don't expect the cavalry to bail you out, do what you have to do to protect yourself, and if that means backing down from some J/O, then back down because your kids and nieces and nephews will miss you.
There hasn't been any stability with the supervisors because they have been thrown under the bus the same way we have been. The musical chairs on the fourth floor is just smoke and mirrors so that NO ONE PERSON has real accountability, i.e. the MAYOR. When the FED comes and does an audit as to where all the money went everyone of them will say, I HAVR NO DIRECT KNOWLEDGE where those millions of dollars were spent, I was just there for a drink of water. That is why RS should watch his back because someone needs to be set up as a fall guy and i suspect he may be it.

19 February, 2008 08:25  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

RS a fall guy? Are you joking? That man plays the blame game better than ANYONE else. All he cares about is schmoozing up to his "dollies". He'll point the finger at anyone else to save his a$$ from being hung out to dry.

19 February, 2008 09:17  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogmaster that was very well written. I couldn't have said it better myself.

19 February, 2008 12:10  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You sit here time and time again complaining about how bad things are, but you don't do anything about it. Sure, you may file a grievance, but from what I can tell, may take a long time to get addressed. But that's all you do.

"Oh, management doesn't listen to us, they screw us over at the drop of a hat"....blah blah blah. Do something about it. Have a slowdown. The flu is going around, right?? Stage a walkout.

There are three things that will get the attention of everybody, as long as everyone does it. If one person does it, they can be fired. If everyone does it, they can't fire everyone, you know.

A bunch of unorganized voices in a crowd cannot be heard. But those same voices in a crowd in unison, it's deafening.

19 February, 2008 13:39  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:25 is right.

The whole point of having people like Cline ("I plead the fifth") as Super, Trotter ("my dog ate my GED") as Director, or RS in his position, is to ensure that they will do the mayor's bidding, and to ensure that reasons exist from the beginning to justify throwing them under the bus when the time comes.

Corbett? Somebody's cousin, no?
Huberman or Velazques? I still cannot find anyone who could justify that other than the mayor.

Greg Bishop and Funk I can justify. That is about it.

The rest of this is all just smoke and mirrors, and the whole system is set up so that there are dozens of fall guys to push under the bus before the mayor.

19 February, 2008 14:25  
Blogger rosco said...

Why don't they disable those bogus cell phone callers. The techno is there where you can turn off the bogus phones, so lets just do it.

24 February, 2008 08:39  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok, rosco, you get the ball rolling on that idea - if it's so easy !

not that we dont agree with you... those disconnected cell phones are a pain in the ass !!!!!!!

26 February, 2008 02:39  

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