Chicago Dispatchers

Monday, February 11, 2008

Furlough Extensions

Here we go again. The last time it was the power watches that were eliminated; the time before that it was revamping (and not for the betterment of the EMPLOYEES) of the established 6 day work week; the time before that it was limiting full period furlough segments, even if and when individual segments in a particular period were still available; the time before that was severely curtailing furlough segments in the 7, 8, and 13 periods; the time before THAT it was furlough selections by watch, rather than by straight time in title.............

Blogmaster refers to, of course, managements attempts--once again-to address the staffing shortage at oemc on the backs of the existing pcos. Of course, we all know that the elimination of the power watches and complete period furlough segments was a complete failure (thanks MK)and have since been reinstated. Ditto the pathetic attempts at an alternate workweek schedule (note to future suits who attempt to take this on again-and it is only a matter of time--that when one contemplates eliminating the less than ideal current structure, it is usually prudent to replace it with something equal or better than what is currently enjoyed). But the one area that management has enjoyed some success--from a manpower standpoint--is tampering with furloughs. Hence the new edict from kb.

The memo in the co book, dated 09 February 2008 and signed by the wm unilaterally denies furlough extensions to every member of the 2nd watch without "mitigating circumstances". Effective immediately, all such furlough extensions must be pre approved and all such requests for extensions must be submitted via to/from 14 days in advance. WTF???????????? 14 days in advance?? This from bosses who routinely fail to advise pcos whether their requests for comp time due have been granted until the day prior, sometimes the DAY OF. This, from the same wm who contacted a pco AT HOME, by telephone, to advise said employee that pcos 5 day furlough extension--that had already begun by the way--had only been approved for 4 days and that said pco would have to report for work on a certain day that fell in the MIDDLE of the furlough extension? THIS is the best that can be done on the 2ND WATCH no less? Adding insult to injury is the blatant fact--penned in her own memo--stating that this is a result of "manpower shortages". In short, WE have to pay for their mismanagement and continual under resourcing.

Don't be fooled folks. It is another determined effort by the suits to fix a problem that really has only one solution: more staffing--hiring more pcos to bring the oemc up to minimal staffing levels. But every executive director since trotter--huberman, velaszquez, and the in-way over-his head ruiz--have been unable to sufficiently make the case to the powers that be at city hall that we need more staff. Instead each suit tows the city line and allows his (and really, we haven't ever had a "her") minions to shill out the company spin about how no, really, we have enough people and we are currently staffed at adequate strength and yada yada yada. Staffed adequately enough to watch the remaining pcoIIIs, 3 or 4 of the old time spcos, and many of the old time coppers marched right out of the building and never replaced. Staffed adequately enough to continue to allow 20+ current pcos to work detailed off the floor in non operational capacity while every other pco picks up the slack. Staffed adequately enough to handle "any contingencies". PLEASE.

Blogmaster predicts this too will go by the wayside, but unfortunately, not before enough people are really harmed by it. One of the perks of this job--the few, very few perks--is furlough. Even newbies with the minimum number of vacation days can stack up pretty decent time off through combinations of rdo, v days, and comp time. If it were not so serious, it would be funny.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In 3rd watch roll call today we were told that her (kb) memo was being rescended. Not that i'm getting my hopes up because they have been known to rescend rescentions. Here we go again.......

11 February, 2008 22:58  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maggie Daley says:




PS....I'm really trying to get Richie baby to give you all a great big RAISE! But , you must learn how to spell first.

13 February, 2008 18:08  

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