Chicago Dispatchers

Friday, January 12, 2007

Employee parking

Amazingly, a PCO complained today about people parking in the tow zone in front of the building. An 012 District unit was sent, and wrote tickets on some of the cars, including those of some employees. We guess there's no "thin blue line" with civilians. But then, that PCO didn't do anything that bosses haven't done. Anyone remember tickets being written on cars parked in aisles in the parking lot because there were no parking spaces left? Glad today wasn't one of those days, our fellow PCO would have had a field day watching so many cars get ticketed.

But there's not much of a "thin blue line" among POs, either. In one district today, the district commander ordered the park car to write parking tickets on POs' cars parked in the lot. Seems they'd parked in some "marked" spaces because there were marked and unmarked squad cars hogging half of the spaces for personally-owned vehicles.

Say nothing about inconveniencers, and punish the inconvenienced. Why not?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems like there are 2 separate issues here.
1. why isn't our parking lot secure - it is an employee parking lot not for police pool cars, apartment dwellers and every repair man, meeting goer, delivery person or work truck. The 3rd watch has always had trouble finding parking when they come in for 1330 roll call because the lot is full of non employee cars. When was the last time you saw the "security guard" even come out of the shack to check anyone. Some security - since the back handicapped door opens automatically, anyone can enter the building. MK has been notified about this many times and you can see how much she cares about this problem. Don't forget, you can park in the other lot 2 blocks away she says.
2. The tow zone in front of the building was designated no parking for the express reason of security for the building. No one wants to see a Ryder truck pull up in front and be able to park there. Since the report of our inability to act in case of an emercency in the city of Chicago came out you would think that the management of the center would at least crack down on the lack of basic security in our work place. The attitude is "who cares". This is a dangerous attitude to take and we should all demand that since we are such a big target, management steps up to keep us as safe as possible. I guess this is just another pipe dream, I keep forgetting that they don't care about us at all.
Finally - any employee that was ticketed for parking in the tow zone that day had their tickets taken care of.

12 January, 2007 10:50  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK let me underdstand this, Ali Baba Terrorist Moving van pulls up
and parks in the tow only section of Madison. Explain to me again how the magical orange parking ticket stops them? Because that's pretty cool. Maybe we should place the magic parking tickets all around the Sears tower and other points of interest including our building. Too bad they didn't have our magic orange tickets in New York, one look at those magic orange tickets and those planes would have been diverted and landed safely somewhere.

12 January, 2007 11:58  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the coppers in 012, when approaching a Ryder van parked in front of oec. Run.

12 January, 2007 12:05  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous said...

MK has been notified about this many times and you can see how much she cares about this problem. Don't forget, you can park in the other lot 2 blocks away she says.


yeah while she parks 5 steps away from the back door every day

12 January, 2007 12:36  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to 11:58

So what are you saying - we should't care? Magic tickets?? The point is that the tow zone space is to be kept clear just as the police keep the areas around the hotels and Sear's tower clear. If we all stop caring about this issue we all put ourselves in harms way. It is so easy to give up instead of demanding that the management enforce the security of our building
If you think for one moment that this gigantic communications center is not a target, think again. Better safe than sorry. I think we can do better.

12 January, 2007 12:47  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can understand having to park in the isles when ALL the spaces are full. BUT what about the lazy people who park there on midnights and days??? Is parking in a spot and walking a few more feet into the building really all that difficult? If it is maybe you should join us in the gym on lunch instead of eating or sleeping!

12 January, 2007 19:51  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not only the isles....but what about all the people parking in the handycap spots that are obviously not handycap. Yes, they have plate and hang tags but not issued legally for them.

12 January, 2007 19:56  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Security in our building is a farce. You make me use my finger print to get in a turnstyle when the numbskulls on the 4th floor have visitors that don't have to register their fingerprints. 3 coppers on light duty watching the whole facility.
I don't get the big threat with the cars parked on Madison. Do you think someone out to get us just couldn't pull up and do what they planned on doing? No, they're going to be concerned that they owe the city $50 bucks. Pay it. Then blow us up. Be realistic here. Illegal parking is just what it is, it is a #2 parker. Pulling a valuable resource such as a beat car to go out of their way to create more revenue is bull$hit. If you are that full anxiety about being in our building, then maybe it's time to find another job. Way before 9/11 people were threatening to blow us up on a daily basis nothing has changed. Communications centers have always been targets.

12 January, 2007 22:50  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any cop that writes those tickets told to by the 'cmdr' is a bitch.

13 January, 2007 12:11  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was a dispatcher that made up the ticket and dispatched the car. DC probably has no idea!
Can't blame the police on this one.

13 January, 2007 12:44  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have 4 cops one is a floater and is suppose to watch for illegally parked cars and unusal activity its called a walk around, just like any of the others are to watch. Why is it that the police headquarters is more? Try to enter their lot for a meeting or business, good luck getting in to their lot. If and when you finally do get in the bldg they take your license in hand and personally sign you in none of the silly stuff that some of the security people do here. Any officer that does what their suppose to do tickets, ID ck, etc should be appreciated its for our own safety and their earning their ck. If not then why are they here? Glad some are working dont illegally prk and theres no problem. Their proably ignored just like we are, they dont answer to OMC remember.

13 January, 2007 23:37  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

even better still what about the people who park in the aisles and up in the front like they have their own personal parking spaces (including the dispatcher who had co-workers' cars ticketed: red Pontiac) EVEN IF THEY GET TO WORK AN HOUR EARLY AND EVEN ON WEEKENDS WHEN THERE ARE PLENTY OF SPACES EVEN IN THE FIRST AND SECOND ROWS OF THE PARKING LOT?????

14 January, 2007 12:26  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:26 pm
She's not a dispatcher, she's a pco2. Calling her a dispatcher would imply that she actually knows how to dispatch.

14 January, 2007 16:08  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems like I have created a monster. My intention was to ask that management keep the tow zone clear of cars for the sole purpose of safety at our work place. I never ever thought that the cars parked there last Thursday were employee's vehicles. I did not look at windshields I assumed that the cars were from the Palace or from Johnny's Icehouse. I reported the parking problem to the security guard who didn't care, then to a supervisor, who didn't care and then to a watch manager, who didn't care. This angered me and I went to zone 13 and asked that a beat car come out. Good intentions but poor judgement since I can see that the only person this issuse was bothering was me. I am sorry for any inconvenience that this caused my co-workers and I promise to curb any thought of taking on an issue by myself in the future. The fact remains that I sometimes feel that if you want something done you have to do it yourself but in this case I have led a lot of people to believe that it was done on purpose against them personally. Nothing could be further from the truth. Believe what you will, you are all entitled to your opinions but I am writing this so you know the story and maybe come to a different conclusion.

14 January, 2007 20:18  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 8:18pm
That's because you have no clue! Too bad they didn't ticket your car since it's always parked in the lot but never in an actual parking space.

15 January, 2007 23:59  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You folks are missing the point. Whether or not the building is secure, the point of all of this is that one of your employees, someone very near the bottom of the rung, took it upon themselves to make an executive decision on behalf of the administrators of your facilty. The reason that this person was basically ignored in his/her pleas for parking tickets is because the people who outrank and out-experience this person knew that nothing good was going to come from writing tickets on Madison Ave. Anyone with a half-ounce of common sense, or with more than 3 minutes on the job, knows that sending someone to write a parking ticket within one block of a police facility is ALWAYS a bad idea. That's why people near the bottom of the rung need to mind their own business, and resist the temptation to control a situation that they are not qualified/not authorized to control.

21 January, 2007 09:06  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's why people near the bottom of the rung need to mind their own business, and resist the temptation to control a situation that they are not qualified/not authorized to control.

9:06 AM


then doesnt the person in question need to resist the temptation to dispatch?

22 January, 2007 12:40  

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