Chicago Dispatchers

Monday, January 08, 2007

The shaft

This time, we're not talking about getting shafted by bogus CI numbers. We're talking about the elevators.

That elevator all the way to the left of the main elevators, why is it always "out of order?" It's been a regular problem for years. And if an elevator is going to go out, you can bet money that it'll be that one.

A coworker has actually gotten stuck inside of that very same elevator before (probably more than one coworker, but we haven't heard any other stories). The elevator went out on Friday, so we figure it'll be back to working order some time around 01February.

Maybe if the city inspected the elevators more often, since they're to be inspected "at least once every twelve months," it wouldn't be a common occurrence. They finally inspected them towards the end of 2006. Before that, the certificates were dated "January, 2004."

If we as lowly city workers let any of our properties lapse like that, or avoided inspection on them, we'd be fined, suspended, and probably fired.


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