Chicago Dispatchers

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Triple Jeopardy

Well, as we volley the ball back and forth;

Let's Talk ChiTown touched on our Happy New Year post & took it a step farther. He/she reminds us of the problems with our Complaint Investigation process, and we agree wholeheartedly with the post. Our money and lives are being heavy-handedly altered by a seriously flawed "investigation" process.

What sense does it really make to have the same person whose name is affixed to many complaints against PCOs (after the initial complaint is deemed "unfounded" or "not sustained," of course), REVIEWING OUR GRIEVANCES WITH THE AUTHORITY TO APPROVE OR DENY THEM? Doesn't that tilt the scales of justice just a *little* unfairly?

Really, we can't imagine that many of our non-PCO readers would agree with an arresting police officer being the judge in his/her own arrestee's trial. But that's about what our situation amounts to. We realize OEMC isn't a democracy, but we don't think "triple jeopardy" should apply, either. #1, We can get slammed for an incident. #2, Once we're cleared of allegations, and get slammed again for a "separate detail" within the same incident. Then, #3, once we're sacked with 3 days for first-offense "rudeness" when our contract and the city's Personnel Rules dictate that discipline should be "progressive," we file grievances which are denied across the board. By the complainant in the incident. And which sit in limbo for up 3 or 4 years.

How one person with axes to grind can continue to play judge, jury, executioner, and appeals board in a blatantly flawed and biased process is beyond us.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When suspensions are "deducted" what rate are they taken at? The pay rate when the infraction allegedly occured or the three or 4 years worth of raises later??

02 January, 2007 11:15  
Blogger CPDDispatch said...

We recall suspensions given 6 months after an incident, and after one raise since the incident. They were taken at the pay rate on the dates of the suspensions.

02 January, 2007 11:39  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Double jeopardy also applies to.
Getting the cr #
Getting your punishment i.e. 1 day suspension without pay.
Getting your seniority number knocked down in your hiring class to the bottom of the pile.
Not only do you pay with a finacial deductions, you now pay for the rest of your career when it comes to bidding for watches and furloughs.

02 January, 2007 12:48  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops financial

02 January, 2007 12:48  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

03 January, 2007 00:05  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I recieved a number in November 2005 for being rude to one of our wonderful citizens, Its January 2007, how long does it take to investigate(listen to the tape) the wonderful citizens claim?, but then how many administrators does it take to change a light bulb?

03 January, 2007 08:56  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The correct answer is none. They are just too incompetent.

03 January, 2007 23:23  

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