Chicago Dispatchers

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Why the hell do we

Have to ride with CFD on every call? Okay maybe not every call, but more than seem to be necessary. Someone asked that in the comments section, and we think it's a very valid question.

Also, someone who apparently works for CFD (Welcome) left a comment:
WE don't make a request for you unless we force entry, DOA, or someone's being an EXTREME JAGOFF.

Valid point. It's generally not firemen or paramedics who request police to ride with them, it's CFD calltakers. When we get assigned to do zone reliefs and have to spend a portion of the day taking calls, we're surprised (we're sure we're not the only ones) by what the CFD calltaker will ask us to ride with them on. And like someone who's apparently a cop said:
What I'm speaking of is, no fault of yours, is when we get a call of an accidental injury where it's obviously an accidental injury,or meat burning on the stove,etc. and upon arrival the CFD waves us off.

And that's what we're talking about. We understand the forced entry thing, but "I fell in my backyard," and the caller's not being an "extreme jagoff," but we still have to send the police anyway.

That's what we don't understand.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Police still have to ride with fire on calls of residential fires, such as meat burning on the stove. Police are to be requested to ride on all CHA properties. This includes senior homes, so if the truck or engine want to wave off the cpd, that's fine, but when it comes to cpd/cfd calltakers they must put the request through or suffer the consequences.

23 December, 2006 05:01  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a minor annoyance as a call taker is when dispatchers send a message asking if cpd were requested on fire/ems jobs at CHA properties - they don't have to be it's CHA ... CPD goes
I am sure most of the time it is just not "seeing" the CHA part of address, but ....
on other calls when fire requests CPD I'm never sure if I should include the fact that the caller was irate which may have been the reason for the request

23 December, 2006 10:59  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Might be an annoyance to you, but there is a box to check off and remarks to be entered that fire is responding.
As a dispatcher we cannot assume that the calltaker sent the police esp when a unit gets to the building before fire/ems does (and yes on a rarity that does occur)and ask me if fire is responding. Ticket doesn't reflect the info. There are times when jobs are being simulcasted whereas fire should have been requested we will read over the air the event and it's "unknown" whether they are responding. There are circumstances where a cpd unit is on a phs site and ask the zone why is there all this fire equipment here, and zone never got a ticket for it, which leads us to believe the call came in for the stuck elevator or incinerator fire and the calltaker dropped the ball.
A minor annoyance is nothing compared to 30 days pending when someone ends up dead and they find out ems or fire never responded.

23 December, 2006 11:37  
Blogger Local 2 Member said...

I totally agree with this poster. I'm a street medic and question as to the wisdom of having beat cars respond on everything. Many times I meet them outside or downstairs and wave them off, but all these problems started with the upper brass of the Fire Dept. years ago. Unfortunately, we have some paramedics that bring the problems upon themselves by shooting off their mouth when their is no need to. Every street copper knows what I mean by that. I heard this motto a long time ago, and it still rings true today. If you see a paramedic wearing a bulletproof vest, remember: The bigger the vest, the bigger the mouth !

24 December, 2006 07:37  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the annoyance is not when the FAOW box has NOT been checked ... that does warrant a question if fire is responding.
i just meant ems jobs, such as an ill person, at at CHA address with the box checked
my training was that I should check the box - if that was done, FAOW was not needed in the remarks
There are lots of times dispatchers need to double check with call taker about the ticket

24 December, 2006 15:16  

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