Chicago Dispatchers

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Federal Monitor

The city's federal monitor has been busy, busy, busy. With only $12 million and over 1,400 claims of political and patronage hires, transfers, and promotions the monitor is set to request a 90 day extension to complete processing of claims which were to be done by 27 December. Apparently, the monitor is overwhelmed by both the volume and the content of claims. Blogmaster is shocked, SHOCKED, that anyone can still be surprised about the depths of corruption and patronage that permeate every aspect of city government.

Blogmaster has now confirmed, via the usual very reliable sources, that a minumum of 3 claims related to OEMC have been filed with the federal monitor. Blogmaster is waiting with bated breath to see how the monitor rules on these cases and whether any meaningful investigations will take place that will result in any suits being disciplined. Ultimately, Blogmaster thinks not. The city has made it an art form to blame the lowest level employees and make them take hits while the upper level, politically connected, high paying employees skate (think Durkin Park, for one quick example). Just the same, Blogmaster wonders if these claims were what led to the departure of former high ranking OEMC employees, including Valaquez, Oaks, and Keating who no doubt saw the writing on the wall. Blogmaster bets that there might still be some squirming for those left at the top of OEMC even though now the question becomes whether any investigation will lead to significant changes or will it be "business as usual" at OEMC and at other city departments?

The cynic in Blogmaster thinks business as usual will commence. After all, the monetary payouts are in leiu of any court action and prohibit the claimants from later suing, even in class action suits. It is blood money and it was designed, approved, and will be paid for the lowest, most qualified (in many cases)people harmed to sit down, shut up and go away.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oemc mentioned in latest shakman monitor report
page 9

20 December, 2007 23:03  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If all 1400+ get equal pieces, thats about 8500 each. Forget it. How much does Pookie get for an unlawful arrest settlement? How much are the 4 Burge 'victims' sharing? 20 million? Everyone should just sue and forget their measly 8500 each

22 December, 2007 23:08  

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