Chicago Dispatchers

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Rotating Seniority List

It is posted. The christmas rotating seniority list--in all its glorious confusion--is posted in the 3rd floor operations breakroom. Is there anyone, ANYONE, who truly understands how this thing works? or how it is SUPPOSED to work? Asking different supervisors yields slightly different answers and its not even clear that all the watch secretaries are really aware of how it works. And since this does not appear to be a union issue--the list (indeed the entire concept of holiday rotating seniority), Blogmaster is told, is not contractual at all. So don't look to the stewards or the union for help interpreting it: they appear just as confused as everyone else on this issue. One just looks for one's name and prays that it is near the top for a coveted holiday like Christmas.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its really not difficult to understand - tho' rumors of how it works got out of control.
Lets just say the above are top 10 on "the list". #2&6 are rdo - management gives 5 people the holiday. 1,3,4,7,9 & 10 put in day off holiday. The next holiday list should start with 2,6 (rdos) & 10 (first person denied) - the list should stay the same from there & those on top go to the bottom.

20 December, 2007 18:43  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is how I understand it. Thanks for the clear explanation.

20 December, 2007 18:45  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it seems im only on the top of the list when its my day off, otherwise im always in the middle, who can explain that.

21 December, 2007 00:01  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since we are in the process of contract negoitiaions, why doesn't someone introduce a proposal to do away with this process and go by straight seniority on the watch?

23 December, 2007 09:59  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You must be very high up in seniority on your watch to even suggest such a thing. You'd be able to get every holiday off that way, wouldn't you?

23 December, 2007 14:02  

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