Chicago Dispatchers

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Sneak Attack

It is back. The dreaded "B" clause, currently contained in the contract, which stipulates that voluntary overtime must be rotated among all employees in a particular job classification. This is the same clause which stipulates that mandatory overtime be rotated as well.

Blogmaster is well aware of just how controverial both of these provision are, with compelling arguments on both sides that give even reasonable people pause as to what is "right" or what is "fair" to everyone, or even most people. Thankfully, it has not been an issue because the mandatory overtime has not been invoked lately and, according to our esteemed area rep/chief union steward there existed a "gentlemen's agreement" of mutually agreed non enforcement of the voluntary overtime provision--a tacit acknowledgement that the current method of hiring for voluntary overtime works reasonably well, with a few exceptions.

Until now. Until this past weekend when a memo was stealthly inserted into the co book saturday night/sunday morning outlining managements intention to begin adhering to the B clause beginning 23 January 08 for hiring of voluntary overtime. Blogmaster, like everyone else--apparently including every single union steward, the area rep, and the business agent himself--was taken by surprise and caught off guard. With little fanfare and little notice, the entire method by which voluntary overtime is to be administered will be changed drastically within 3 days. In fact, Blogmaster can now confirm, at least 2 of the 4 watch managers (assigned to operations) were completely unaware this change was imminent or that the memo has been issued until it was in the co book.

While Blogmaster does not dispute management's right--obigation--to uphold the current contract, this entire incident smells bad, looks bad, and is bad. It falls under the "its not what they did, but the way they did it" heading when something of this import can be snuck into the co book by a managerial minion on a long holiday weekend when no one is in the building to answer questions, advise employees as to HOW such changes are going to work, and what it means for them--one can say those folks actually AFFECTED by such changes. Such a tactic is reminiscint of the former, non dearly but oh so grateful she is departed, previous acting deputy director. Blogmaster EXPECTED such tactics from her, which is why this was so shocking and disappointing--we never expected it from our current deputy director. But there you have it with his name on the memo, behaving exactly the same fashion and being MIA when it comes time to answer the hard questions about why the sudden about face, why the secrecy, and why not even the union appeared to be aware this change was coming? But most important, WHAT does it mean and HOW will it be done?

Blogmaster understands how little management thinks of us. Pcos are minor annoyances to be dealt with only when they interfere with the overall machinations of the suits and how they can enrich themselves and their fiefdoms of patronage workers. It is not like pcos, spcos, and operations watch managers do anything important after all. They just run the operations and secure the building that provides the largesse that the suits are so good at mismanaging.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What blogmaster fails to realize is that a union stewart (MD) filed a grievance to get this section enforced because she couldnt get the overtime she desired while assigned to the power watch, so blogmaster no one to blame but a pco who needs overtime to pay her bils

22 January, 2008 17:54  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are all her BFFs now?

22 January, 2008 18:15  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok whom ever posted that union steward MD filed a grievance you need to get your facts straight and learn how to spell. (steward is the proper spelling).I filed the last grievance on the matter not the ONLY grievance. There were 12 grievances for the same thing filed prior to my grievance. I still got my overtime even while on the power watch. You need to get your facts straigt before you go posting things on this blog. So the blogmaster is correct on this one. After the union meeting where the majority of the members said they did not want the "b" clause enforced I withdrew my grievance and conceded to go with the majority. I am so sick of being the one you people dump on. Anything i've said or done I've admitted to, but don't blame me for every damn thing that happens. This clause has been in the contract for over 12 years. As for needing overtime to pay my bills that's none of your business you are just a busy body who has no life cause you too damn busy watching me. So anyone who decides you have some negative things to say behind this go right ahead, this is my last post regarding this matter. I'm sure some anonymous coward has something to say. PCO2/Union Steward Michelle Driver

22 January, 2008 22:41  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey blogger, you are so intent on MD. Why is that? You must like those linebackers. What about your other union reps C.C. and V.E. who have been there far longer than M.D. and should have done something about this "mess" years ago. Then you have your new kids on the block A.A., C.G and K.G. Why aren't they ever blamed for anything? You must have a fixation with M.D. Is that sexual or intellectual? You asked where her friends were, so here they are live and in color.

22 January, 2008 22:47  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now don't get all mad at ME, but I just wanted to point out: You spelled "straigt" wrong. Straight is the proper spelling.

We're all human here, and spelling errors do occur. So don't go jumping all over 22 January, 2008 17:54 for simply mis-spelling "steward".

There are bigger issues to be dealt with.

23 January, 2008 00:21  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe you people are still trying to gang up and blame this on one person. M.D. wasn't the only union steward or stewart or however the fuck you spell it to file a grievance on the overtime. I went to a second watch rep and had a grievance filed over a year ago. I'm not saying who I am cause I'm still on 2nd watch management and I'm glad I get a chance to get some ot. I also know for a fact that this move came from city hall not even R.S. is this smart. They are trying to save the ot money. Also trying to keep us divided, and doing a good job of it.

23 January, 2008 00:36  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about getting some Citywide 2 dispatchers that can be understood when they speak for crissakes! And ones that know how to ask the pertinent questions when a request is made for ETs or deceased remains removal.

Oh yeah, turn up the freakin' volume! Or better yet, put the freakin' microphone from your little headset BY YOUR MOUTH, not by your forehead! THAT MIGHT WORK, DON'T YOU THINK!!!!!! And don't be blaming that console you are on.

23 January, 2008 00:43  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

23 Jan 08 0043
The quiet talkers are your people.

23 January, 2008 03:28  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The rotating ot clause in the contract book, is actually a good clause. For all intent and purpose it was put in there with the intention that Oec would be a fully staffed, functioning building and operation.
I'm sure the original writers of our contract never predicted that within 12 yrs of opening and 11 years of splitting from the CPD that we would be 25 percent understaffed and with 5 times the call volume. That the day would come that we are operating without all zones fully covered.
Truly a sad state of affairs that paints a grim picture of our educational system. With all the educational requirements required of the job titles on the fourth floor and city hall, they can't figure out how to run efficiently a 400 man unit.
Shame on you, maybe you shouldn't have cheated your way through college. (you know who you are)
Sincerely, CPS HS Grad

23 January, 2008 03:44  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sexual fixation with Md, oh hell no, there are too many good looking woman at the oemc for that and blogmaster MD makes herself a target by alway putting her name on her responses, better yet why respond at all, but you know what they say, the guilty always speak....

23 January, 2008 09:30  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least MD has the courage to post her name under her comments. You chose to remain anonymous because you are a coward. Not man or woman enough to say who you are just take shots at her. Always throwing a brick and hiding. Why do you even bother posting? She might not be all that but she speaks her mind. I agree you are a coward.

23 January, 2008 10:30  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i guess since u didnt leave your name, you must be a coward also...

23 January, 2008 13:34  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok kids stop it. The bosses are reading our blog and I am sure they are estatic that the blue shirts are attacking their union steward. Now is the time we have to stand strong. Put aside our differences and become a united front.
The blog is a place to vent. Vent against the bosses that continue to contribute to the chaos, continue to screw with us, our contract, our chairs, are tamponless tampon dispensers for 3 years. Now there is something to bitch about.
But please stop personally jabbing a co worker who volunteers to help us be in a better spot. Whether you like the person or not. Say it to their face. Write them a note. But don't let the bosses see it. We are like a one legged man at a marathon as it is, don't cut off the other leg.

24 January, 2008 00:46  

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