Say It Ain't So, Ron
The fix is in. Blogmaster can now say that the deputy director of police operations is in a trick bag of his own making, caught red handed in the middle of a dirty deed, with witnesses. Even with the feds sniffing around and the federal monitor all over the city personnel department, it appears that the deputy director is secure enough, or besotted enoough, to have given orders to an immediate subordinate to alter the evaluation (meaningless under any cirmcumstances)of a pco in order to make said pco more "promotible". WTF? Apparently, Blogmaster has learned, the ORIGINAL evaluation of pco was less than outstanding and, as a result, the deputy director ordered his subordinate to change said evaluation AFTER it was signed by the watch manager and without that watch managers knowledge. The subordinate, apparently having failed discretion 101, followed orders to a T. The only problem with this little scheme is that it was witnessed by others, a big no no when someone tries to do something undercover, sneaky, or corrupt. As a result, the deputy director is on the hot seat. As for the subordinate who actually did the dirty deed, Blogmaster can only hope that a fair and impartial investigation will determine the appropriate course of action.
Memo to deputy director of police operations: what were you thinking? You "campaigned" on a platform of change, yet not much is different. You have acted quite similar to your non beloved predecessor who acheived neither respect or affection from underlings. You have flip flopped on issues, you have participated in the corruption of the chain of command, and you have used your position for the gain and detriment of your underlings--actions that you swore were beneath you, yet here you are in the midst of allegations of favoritism and nepotism. Blogaster wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt, but at this point it just seem as if you are another suit, intoxicated with power. It is a very sad day at oemc. Very sad day, indeed, especially as this comes from someone we had such high hopes for.
I'd like to know how he got busted ? Who busted him.....WTF.....can't you get fired for something like that ? Please please please , more details.........
Tell me your really not shocked or surprised by his actions. Once a dog, always a dog. Why you ever thought he was different is way beyond me.
All we wanted is our equipment fixed and some new chairs - God almighty. Why do they call him "Pee Wee"??
who was the pco?
Way to go Ron, you just showed how stupid is, stupid goes. You is incompetent and so is your pet peeve who you are trying to help. Here goes, dumber and dumber, you both belongs together.
I bet nothing will happen to him but the person he ordered to do the deed will be punished. RS is too heavy to worry about business as usual in the corrupt City of Chicago.
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