Chicago Dispatchers

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Say It Ain't So, Ron Part II

Questions, questions, questions. The deputy director of police operations, now presumably facing an investigation into alleged improprieties surrounding one particular incident, isn't talking. In fact, the deputy director of police operations hasn't been seen in the building since last thursday. Coincidence? Perhaps--it IS a holiday weekend and maybe he just wanted a few extra days off. But maybe not. Maybe the deputy director is smart enough to see the writing on the wall and realized that after this alleged incident his days with oemc are numbered, even before any internal investigation takes place.

Blogmaster wishes the deputy director WOULD talk though, because a whole lot of questions remain. Questions like WHAT ELSE has been going on in the ranks? WHO ELSE has been "assisted" by altered evaluations, phone calls, or other means of protection? WHO ELSE has been harmed by these same methods? Blogmaster has learned that the most recently promoted watch manager--reportedly having NOT had to submit to the traditional promotional processes that the previous 4 watch manager promotees had to submit to--was the very same subordinate who is now at the center of the alleged incident involving the altered evaluation that has put the deputy director on the hot seat. QUID PRO QUO is the term the feds use for these type of deals--rewards for deeds or actions performed for the specific benefit of someone else.

Blogmaster is not really surprised, however, just saddened once again. The new boss IS the old boss albeit a different race and gender.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

He should have been shit canned long ago , with all his prior ci#s against him. But since his old bud BO is gone, he obviously has no other protector!

Now , lets all join in & sing: Hail, hail , the end is near , and take your puppet with you , take your puppet with you!

Come & get him , feds!

02 March, 2008 15:16  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

for those Inquiring minds that want to know (drum roll please) The Pco II that was the subject of the false evaluation is A.T.! Now there is a shocker for everyone!!!!!!!!!
Come on now you know he's gotta take care of his girls. What kind of lover would he be otherwise? And for those of you that are foolish enough to think he has no pull, please don't forget about the man who got him his current position--- Ald Carothers........ Let see if he can save his job with J-fed on the case.........

02 March, 2008 21:23  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every single person who ever took a supervisors test and was not promoted has a legitimate beef. The management cannot be held harmless by denying any knowledge of the alledged goings on when they could see who was being promoted to supervisor and watch manager. Think of the money involved and the potential loss of income because you were not one of his girls. Look who the supervisors are - -AT will be next. We need to demand an investigation all the way back to KB's promotion which we all know was bullshit. We need to get very very mad and then maybe the ED will have a private meeting with us!!!

02 March, 2008 22:53  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off Topic

Re:The SPOC Meeting.
Lets stop blaming The PCO's and the SPO's for the problems on the floor.


Once that issue is addressed, the morale will go up and people might start caring about the job a little more and maybe everyone won't be as burnt out and angry because all we get is yelled at and treated like we are children everyday we walk into that building.
So, let's stop worring about "correct uniforms" which we all wear. Lets stop worring about the little things that are annoying.
Let's direct everyones attention to people that can get the 911 CENTER (THE CORE OF THE CITY if it wasn't for what would happen), staffed correctly , to elimenate all these small issues that are a waste of the 4th flrs, The Watch Managers, The SPOC, The PCO's and everyone elses time. We can only hope the next meeting will be about how to better the everyday operations here at the 911 CENTER. Maybe new chairs, New Consoles, NO more smelly carpet. A better ventalation system (to avoid 25 people hitting the medical in one day because we cant get rid of a nasty bug due to a stuffy dirty room). But most important, in the next meeting , stop talking about the people who run this place 24 hrs a day 7 days a week, and stop telling them to make our day worse than it already is by not letting us flip thru a magazine. Talk about how to make things better for everyone involved. Hint----Start with your employees. You would be surprised how much different a day can be with happy employees, rather than miserable ones.

Have A Wonderful Day.

03 March, 2008 09:35  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We aren't talking about chairs and dirty carpets here. We are talking about one of the biggest scandals to hit the OEMC since it's inception. This action harmed many, many employees here and they must be made whole. The story should go right to the news media and heads should roll. The personal department who knows of this mess should be investigated along with every promotion since the KB travesty when she became a supervisor. There are many qualified people who got passed over so that these fools could use their "power" to pronote useless and incompetent people because of the service they were providing to RS. That means that the OEMC is no better than a whore house and those that play get mightly compensated for it.

03 March, 2008 09:53  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

u need to go back further than KB.

03 March, 2008 10:04  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dropped here accidentally, thought it was a more general blog. I wish you a fine morning, and what can I say...the boss is the boss

03 March, 2008 12:48  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

go all the way back further than KB. look at how RH started and made his way up, by kissing the big man butt and the other RS too. then look at all the supervisors that MK helped. medical records and pending CI # disappeared.

03 March, 2008 14:54  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that ya mention it, the history of incompetence and clouted BS has been around the entire time the OEMC has been open (RH was there from the beginning of operations). But it definitely included others.

Can anyone, and I mean anyone, imagine Daley trying to justify MK? I'm still aghast that the media never picked that one up, or the alleged history of complaints about RS.

03 March, 2008 15:20  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

RH was not there from the beginning.
MK was a federal informant, no harm will ever come to her and she knows it.
(Remember Stan?)

05 March, 2008 10:44  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well since we are talking about false evaluation. how does a SECRETARY GET A PERFECT SCORE (3.0).. Her duty is in the office. she's not taking calls on the operation floor from the lovely citizens. So how is she being evaluated. Well I guess? Could it be she has a hand in someone pocket also. As we all know she is best friends with a supervisor. So I guess she can get a perfect score.

05 March, 2008 11:51  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The scores are meaningless.
A complete farce.
Being evaluated by a x dispatcher
who stands over me while I'm 99 telling me to get a yellow job off the board while I'm typing/talking to my units simultanously.
The job was a dupe!!! Who the fuck cares how long it sits in the yellow? Delay of dispatch for a job that has 2 cars parked in front of the house ?!

05 March, 2008 12:53  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry bout that, it was a typo. So many initials!

RS was there from the beginning (so was I), not RH.

God, by now there have to be a dozen people who have been in that building with one or the other of those initials!

Just to be clear. Ron Simmons was there from the beginning.

05 March, 2008 19:58  

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