Chicago Dispatchers

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Comments still welcome.

We are pleased.

Aside from one comment (which we promptly deleted), we have enjoyed being able to read the comments sections and see people's points-of-view. And we have enjoyed not having to step in and heavy-handedly moderate. We were asked not to let this blog degenerate, and we shall not. This blog was initially created with the primary purpose of bringing PCO Is and IIs together in an outlet to vent, and more importantly, to be comrades - disagreements and all. The blog was not created with the unrealistic hope that everyone would hold hands together and sing "Cumbayah," we mentioned in the Welcome thread that there's a serious lack of togetherness at OEMC.

But to the venom-spewing person who hates the "fbcmw's" he/she works with, and is sick of most of his/her coworkers, including the ones who started this blog:

Hypocrisy is really something. The blog has served the exact same purpose for you as it has for everyone else - it allowed you to vent. And "bitch, complain, moan, and whine."

And didn't it feel good?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about covering why it is that some Officers and Sgt's. use foul language, make racial / ethnic / other seriously disturbing and offensive remarks on the air and get away with it?

If a dispatcher does it, everyone falls apart!

13 August, 2006 16:29  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not all the officers make those comments, just a few do, just like the a-holes we work with. Remember it only takes a couple bad apples to ruin the barrel.
If they turn up the fire on the po's don't think they're going to exclude the dispatchers.

13 August, 2006 19:16  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
How about covering why it is that some Officers and Sgt's. use foul language, make racial / ethnic / other seriously disturbing and offensive remarks on the air and get away with it?

If a dispatcher does it, everyone falls apart!

4:29 PM

Where are you raised? This is the city of Chicago, one of the most dangerous, crime ridden shit holes in the free world! If a copper uses any word that you find "seriously disturbing" you need to quit and do something else. You need a ducks back to work in a atmosphere like dispatching and police work. Good day.

13 August, 2006 19:22  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If a copper uses any word that you find "seriously disturbing" you need to quit and do something else. You need a ducks back to work in a atmosphere like dispatching and police work.

There is something called professional decorum, respect for everyone around you, and respect for the kind of environment you create.

How do you think it reflects on you as a professional, as a person, if you sound like a bigot. It has nothing with whether or not one has a "duck's back".

Instead of telling someone to quit and do something else, why don't you look in the mirror? You just stuck your foot in your mouth didn't you?

Zone clear!

13 August, 2006 20:48  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a copper dare I be the one to ask why they don't just stop having this heathenous Bub Billikin parade?

Now I know Shitbird Tillman will blow her top, and her hideous hat, and cry racism, but let's seriously look at this here.

We are so short-staffed, some estimates put the force at only 8,000, that watches are having problems even getting skeleton crews. So here is a SPLENDID idea, let's ship ALL the tact and gang teams to this "paparde?!"

I use sarcastic quotations on the word parade because it is not one.
It is just another excuse for thousands of savages to get together and let their children wander the streets freely, "accidently" losing them. See what I did again?
And then let them wander with pistols, in mobs randomly beating people while their female counterparts are dressed like whores shaking their bootys and dry humping in the streets while these "parents" clap and encourage them. Good eye, I did it again.

With all due respect to our mayor and police supt, to allow this parade to continue is treasonous.

Allowing the lawful tax-paying citizens to get screwed yet another day with NO police service in their neighborhoods while we all must give grade A protection to people who don't pay taxes and destroy this city is reprehensible.

Time to re-think this one Richard M Daley, Mayor.

13 August, 2006 21:07  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kudos to the Blog-master for calling out the "OEMC-911-fbcmw's" hater. It's OBVIOUS this person works DAYS and probably got passed over for the ridiculous "cleaning of the fridge" crew.

13 August, 2006 23:16  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

0408 amen

14 August, 2006 11:43  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So here is a SPLENDID idea, let's ship ALL the tact and gang teams to this "paparde?!"

I use sarcastic quotations on the word parade because it is not one.


14 August, 2006 11:47  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clear example of why the "OEMC" will remain the way it's been for years and nothing will ever change. People just can't stick together and only think about themselves. One thing is said, and another is interpreted. What might sound reasonable to someone in order to resolve certain issues, might be offensive to those who are committing these hanius crimes agains their fellow employees. People should learn how to keep to themselves from now on in order not to "offend" anyone and others need to shut the fuck up and not run and tell someone that he/she might have been spoken of. To the person who was eavesdropping and developed a nasty situation between myself and another employee, FUCK YOU you dirty nosy ugly ghetto ass BIAAAAATCH!!!! (i think i know who you are)

22 August, 2006 04:08  

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