Chicago Dispatchers

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


The most recent OEMC newsletter has a section on the back page discussing RAPs (backlogs, or Radio Assignments Pending events). It states, in so many words, that dispatchers who have backlogs should protect themselves by putting RAPS in.

That's sound advice, and you'd really be an idiot not to do so. But keep in mind that a RAP ticket isn't the be-all and end-all. Don't get lax, as some of us tend to do, once the backlog is in - having it in doesn't protect you if you have a unit become available and you still have "yellow" jobs. And trust us, if a complaint comes in about "Delay of dispatch," everything you did from the time that job came in until the time it was dispatched will be scrutinized. And you'll get nailed.

When it really comes down to it, backlogs only "protect" you to a certain extent. In some cases, it's to a negligible extent. We've been privy to people getting disciplined for delay of dispatch even when there was a backlog in. We won't go into details of certain instances, but what you think is an iron-clad alibi to put in that To-From, won't hold water if there's a citizen complaint about "It took one and a half hours for the police to come to my [initially] anonymous parking complaint." And if they need someone to hang it on, guess who's taking the fall?

You. If you haven't realized that in recent weeks, you have blinders on.

Anyone care to share stories? You've been using anonymity on the blog as a guise behind which to attack coworkers lately, how about using it for positive purposes this time. Use your experience to help others.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you want to prevent and/or end RAPS? Stop letting your buddies stay down on jobs, while you constantly bang the cars that come clear in a timely manner

07 August, 2007 10:05  
Blogger km911 said...

In a perfect world that would solve everything....but....when there are 2-300 jobs pending it won't help at all.

We need to be allowed to tell citizens that we are not sending the police out on things that can be handled over the phone OR by themselves in another manner.

Mandatory ARP should be just that MANDATORY.

We should also be allowed to tell the citizens that it's not a police matter. We can't make them give you hot fries...fix your car right...make your 6 year old go to bed.

When we were still part of the CPD we were allowed to do both of the above. BUT, now that we are under our own control (with guidance from CPD) none of our "powers that be" have balls enough to say enough is enough.

We NEVER had RAPS like this before. Granted call volume is up with cell phones but the bullsh%t jobs we send the police on are spiraling out of control.

Until we get more police, and have someone with enough balls to say NO the police won't be coming out for that, the problem will continue to increase.

07 August, 2007 10:56  

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