Meaningless Evaluations
The cat is out of the bag and it would appear that investigations into the deputy director and a certain watch manager are imminent, if not already in progress for alleged improprieties involving at least one pco evaluation. And as any investigation is pending, it might be prudent for the suits to evaluate the evaluations too, and the entire promotional processes, the disciplinary actions, and the lateral movements among pcos that are dependent--in part--upon the evalations. After all, if the alleged accusations are true, one can never be sure that any other evaluations are not tainted or corrupted either.
Blogmaster has long had a myriad of issues with the evaluations. To the extent that they measure anything, its usually the wrong things. Aside from obvious issues like tardiness and attendance, the rest of the evaluation is subjective and dependent upon the evalutor (an spco). For example, how a pco feels about management is irrelevant to whether or not they actually do the job; uniform standards have been so lax for so many years that any evaluation of this is completely meaningless; and since there is not now--nor has there ever been--any minimum benchmark standards for job performance, efficiencies, or set goals for pcos to aspire to the rest of the measures are also meaningless. It is a waste of paper, a waste of time, and wholly dependent upon the whims of the particular spco doing the evaluation. Adding insult to injury is the fact that pcos are routinely made to sign these evaluations but are not entitled to photocopies or duplicates of the final product with signature. WTF?
This last point cannot be emphasized enough and one can draw the obvious conclusion that the reason one is not given a copy of one's own signed evaluation is so that management can later alter any evalution at any time in order to better reflect the goals of the suits. And that raises the next point: promotions.
The promotional processes are now--not for the first time, but with perhaps the most direct evidence brought to light thus far--all in question, again. The last spco promotions, in june 2005, may all be seen to be suspect, as can the most recent promotion to watch manager, and the 4 watch manager promotions before that. And it is unfortunate because some of those promotees really deserved their advances. But for everyone else it becomes much much easier now to see how the back room shenanigans affect everyone else because there are a few spcos who really were questionable promotions given the overall pool of applicants.
Transparancy. It is so missing from this city and from the oemc. It is no wonder that no one has any confidence in the suits.
hey who were the dispatchers that everyone keeps talking about that had a secret meeting with tony ruiz? just wondering.
If evaluations are so meaningless then what exactly is their function? Could the have been developed for just this scenerio. What could have been on AT's evaluation that was so bad to cause a deputy director and a watch manager to jepordize their careers to change something. What were they hopeing to accomplish by changing a meaningless evaluation? I always thought that the evaluations were in place to judge you preformance and allow you to get your next raise but I have never seen even one person not get a raise because of a bad evaluation. They must mean something to someone.
Blogmaster.....please clarify what exactly has been altered. All of us, pco1 & 2s , are aware of the 6 month performance review that we all sign for twice a year. Is that what was changed for the pco in question? Or .. since I have not participated in the spco promotion process in the last 5 yrs, is there an 'evaluation sheet' for the in person interview, or actual written test score that was altered? Thanks and keep us informed.
Who else has noticed that KB does not do her own roll call anymore! Guess her attempted "joke of the day" at end of her roll calls can now be changed to "The Joke Is On YOU!"
The question is the IBEW going to get involved at all? Are they going to demand action against R.S. if administraion blows this off??? IS anyone going to go to the press??? GEEEEEEZ dont' let thas horses ass get away with this????
You know those tattle tales won't have the guts to come out and say who they were.
But if they were going to be whistle blowers why didn't they go through the chain of command?
Because the rules don't apply to them only to everyone else!
Being a busy body instead of making sure all their work was done correctly. I guess they thought they could win brownie points before supervisor hirings.
Ruiz will give them the recognition they deserve after all these years because they're such f'n good employees. Yea right.
And don't believe that crap in rc that they were personally invited by Ruiz! Ruiz is as anti-social as they come, man didn't even address rollcall until 2 months after promotion now suddenly he's going to take an interest in us?! Don't think so.
Blogmaster you need to get a life.
You have nothing else to do but keep up a lot of S*#*. Could it be you don't have a lover, that why you are in everyone elses business. Are you that lonely. This truly sound like a racism way of getting to people. You don't care of how you are hurting people. Dam!!!!!!! GET A LIFE!
racism?? Where?
By accusing the blogmaster of not having a life or asking the ridiculous question about he/she not having a lover you are downplaying what is going on here. You are condoning the fact that whatever relationship these people do or don't have, if in fact there is a relationship, HE IS MARRIED. Therefore, it isn't ok. As for it being no ones business, which i'm sure your next comment would be....they made it people's business by being so obvious, believe me..there are many people who WISH they didn't know a damn thing about it. And how dare you bring race into this. It has nothing to do with race and I for one am damn tired of people trying to deflect the fact by claiming racism. What they allegedly did is illegal and unethical and has absolutely nothing to do with the race of the people involved. If this changing of the evaluation did occur, IT IS VERY MUCH THE BUSINESS of every single person who has every applied for a promotion. Or of people who got a decent evaluation but now have to wonder if it was changed after the fact by someone who doesn't like them. So stop acting like this isn't a big deal.
well in that case, why is it that you are only focusing on 1 pco. hell there were several pcos that didn't agree with there evaluations. it does state that if you don't agree with it then u can make a comment stating that you don't agree with the score and talk it over with the supervisor. isn't that why we have the comment page. can't we disagree. so therefore,why don't you focus on everyone and not just one person. look at the whole 2nd watch. several people didn't agree with there evaluation from said person and some were change. so what is your point. it seem to me that you are just hating on the pco. and if there is/not a relationship between them so what. that they business. hell there are several folks up there married poss having affairs as you would say. if you want to go there what about C.T and his crew of woman. hell we all know that's how he got his 4 or 5 wife. what about H.C and his girl P.M. now if you are going to make blame use it all. you just hate RS and that why you are willing to bring anyone or anybody in your bullshit and you don't care about who it is hurting. yes you do need a F*@*@*@ life.
No, AT we don't like you either. Your dumb ass got with murder now you getting what you deserve.
06Mar 1133 LMAO good call
To 2336
I think you are missing the point here the allegation is that the evaluation was changed AFTER is was signed off by the 3rd watch watch manger and without his knowledge. The document was altered AFTER it was signed by him, without his knowledge or permission, and allegedly with the specific intent of making that particular pco more promotoble. It wasnt a case of a pco just disagreeing with the evaluation (there would be NO outcry for that; tons of us disagree w these stupid things)
And if these allegations are true, they are are unethical and illegal. Period. SO think about that. I personally give a CRAP whether said pco or anyothers are screwing eachother, cheating, or cohabitating UNTIL it affects THE JOB and EVERYONE DOING THE JOB, which is exactly whats happened here.
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