Durkin Park revisited.
From a former Zone-6-1st-Watch Dispatcher, in the comments section.
Two morning gatherings are planned so far. Rain dates will be following weekend...same places...same times!!
25 August = 0600hrs = Skinner Park
26 August = 0600hrs = Marquette Park
We are providing Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Chips and soda. If you want any other "beverages" you must bring your own.
Thank you for your continued support.
Karen Martin
email any questions directly to me at
i thought the event at skinner park started at 2200 hours on friday?
YES the Skinner Park Picnic has been expanded to cover all three watches and power shifts.
It starts at 2200 hours on Friday night 24 August and will continue until 2200 on Saturday the 25th.
If lunches on 1st watch are cancelled...we will even deliver!!!!
Marquette Park Starts at 0600 on Sunday morning the 26th of August...
There are a few other plans in the works for a couple of get togethers at local adult beverage serving establishments...please check back here for more details.
Thank you again for all the support and help...
Do we need a permit for this?
no...citizens have picnics in parks all the time...
which side of marquette park? fieldhouse? east of kedzie? 71st street side?
Marquette park will be on the west side of the park before the first curve on the right hand side. It is by the play ground and the bathrooms...!!!
Ask Director Ruiz to by some tickets now that our brothers/sisters will not be receiving a check.
THANK YOU for all those that participated in our picnic.
We had a GREAT turn out from 1st watch and some suprise visitors.
Due to lack of cooperation with Mother Nature and a lack anticipated particiation from the 2nd and 3rd watches we have cancelled the rest of todays picnic.
SUNDAY morning we will be at Marquette Park as planned. We are also still planning a Casto's Party for this coming Wednesday for "after afternoons." 3636 W 111th st from 2200--0200.
There has been talk of at least one more gathering for "after days" but no set plans have been made for that yet.
Thanks again for all your continued support.
Karen Martin
3rd watch participated in a split the pot that I believe raised almost 300 bucks. Maybe people just couldn't go after work. But what has 2nd watch done?
3rd watch actually raised a split the pot worth $500 exactly....and the winner (from 3rd watch) donated their portion back to the 2 dispatchers.......many of us have families and can't do much except donate money and that's what we did.
Thats my point. I don't appreciate the use of the phrase " a lack of participation from the 3rd watch. We should all be sticking together on this because it can happen to anyone and I haven't heard a single peep from anyone on 2nd watch doing or collecting anything.
The lack of "anticipated participation" was directed towards the picnic ONLY due to inclement weather.
We had some 3rd watchers and power people come over after work on Friday evening and a few from the 2nd watch...one from training (with spouse in tow)...even a former dispatcher who is now a police officer stopped by for a few....but by 0600 on Saturday morning we were soaked to the skin so we packed it all up and went home to dry off.
In no way was I referring to opening your hearts and wallets and donating.
I am sorry if you misunderstood my post.
The post was about specifically about the picnic...not donating in general.
As for the comments about 2nd watch... The 2nd watch were the ones who showed up for the meeting at St. Bedes to support our dispatchers. It was also 2nd watch which came up with the benefit at Castos which was taken over by 1st and 3rd watch who made up times that no one on 2nd watch would be able to attend. Our main priority should be helping our fellow dispatchers,not arguing over who gave what.
but aren't you throwing gasoline on to the fire with the comment you just posted...???
The sooner dispatchers and police realize we are allies and not enemies, we will all be screwed. Coppers moan about too many jobs not realizing dispatchers have to take all of them and are pressed to dispatch, and dispatchers sometimes fail to realize the constant B.S. we ahave to deal with from call to call with litle or no help. The public needs to be educated on when to call and not to call, and they also need to realize we are short police. Fight on from CPD.
sorry, insert word UNTIL
who gives a crap about who raised what and who started which fund raiser.....dang you people are so freakin petty. Bitch and moan about every little thing....stop your bull for one moment please. I have to hear it in roll call, i have to hear it on the ops floor and now i have to hear it here....can we do one thing together and stop pointing the finger at people for not participating.....so what, maybe they didn't want to participate, who cares....maybe they believe the dispatchers were justly punished for not ummmm DISPATCHING. But anyway, how bout on a positive note, big thanks to everyone who participated in anyway and how much money was raised anyway? I'm sure the 2 who the money go to could care less who did what...point blank their FRIENDS came through and helped them out alot. If some did not participate then that's completely their porogative !
30 August, 2007 08:18
Amen to you and your wisdom. Thank you.
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I want to say THANK YOU to everyone who helped raise the money we needed.
I was overwhelmed by the turn out at Skinner Park, Marquette Park and at Casto's.
We had a steady stream of people at Skinner Park coming over on their lunch or break. We had visits from some off duty police dispatchers, fire dispatchers, police officers and a few on duty beat cars too. Unfortunately we were stopped in our tracks at the park because of the rain. The geese were swimming in the puddles while we were packing up. We were soaked!
There was a good turn out at Marquette Park too. Bean bags were tossed...burgers and beverages were consumed!
Casto's was PACKED.
Thank you to all of the Call Takers, Dispatchers and Supervisors, both on the Police and Fire side who were there either on your day off or after work. It's great to be able to chat with each other for a few minutes without someone interrupting and talking in our ears!
A Very Special Thank You to all of the Police Officers and CFD personnel who came out to show their support for the voices on the other side of the radio too. It was a pleasure to see so many familiar faces and hear so many familiar voices. Always nice to put a face with a name/voice/beat number.
We had a few raffle prizes and did a split the pot raffle which was again donated right back to the cause!
It really makes me smile to think that even though everyone always bickers back and forth about almost anything and everything we can ALL come together to support two of our own.
Thank you all again...
Karen Martin
Check out second city cop regarding the use of compensatory time! Who would have thought the city was violating federal laws.....lol
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