Chicago Dispatchers

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Durkin Park revisited.

From a former Zone-6-1st-Watch Dispatcher, in the comments section.

Two morning gatherings are planned so far. Rain dates will be following weekend...same places...same times!!

25 August = 0600hrs = Skinner Park
26 August = 0600hrs = Marquette Park

We are providing Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Chips and soda. If you want any other "beverages" you must bring your own.

Thank you for your continued support.

Karen Martin

email any questions directly to me at

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Watch selections have been posted.

And we know you're already fully aware of that, and we know you've already seen them. We aren't exactly posting this to tell you that.

We're posting this to give you an opportunity to gripe (and we know you're going to do that) about how PCO X did or didn't get which watch, and how you didn't get which watch.

And gripe all you want about management picks, just keep in mind that they're just those - *management picks*. How or why they pick them is at their discretion. And per the contract, that would be 20% of the manpower/watches. They owe us no explanation about how or why they pick certain people for certain watches - the only explanation we can reasonably expect is why people got watches by *bid/seniority*, which is kind of self-explanatory.

And don't try to pin the "management pick" label on us because of our point of view, either - we had enough seniority to get the watches we wanted by bid. Any argument to the contrary would be lost before it began.

And with those things in mind, please, carry on.


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